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Searching for Sea Glass

I remember the time when my kids and I were searching for sea glass and I got a message from a friend asking me what I was up to, and I said, "we're beachcombing." And he said, "what's that?" Beachcombing simply means searching and collecting things of value or interest on the beach. It's fun, relaxing, and addictive.

One day my kids and I went to 5 beaches and came back home empty-handed. At two of them you could see a number of ships pass by (I read that a lot of sea glass and sea marbles are carried by ships), but they were too many rocks and not a lot of sand, so the shards of glass lying around never got that beautiful frost. The other beaches seemed they have been cleaned for the public.

During the times when we did get lucky, most of our finds were big pieces. For our jewelry, we don't alter sea glass, so we only use the small ones, and they have to be completely frosted (which means they would have been at the beach for decades). Out of 20 for example, we may find 1 that's jewelry-grade. Most of them are craft-grade quality which I use to make art pieces. Painting is a hobby of mine so I like to mix both. Maybe when I'm good enough I can sell them too? Haha.

Now a lot of people think that sea glass is easy to find. Nope, not in this part of the country anyway. Never mind jewelry-grade ones. And it's only going to get rarer and rarer as people start opting for more eco-friendly products.

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